How Does Waiting To Call An Attorney Hurt Your Car Wreck Case?


If you don’t take the proper steps to protect yourself after an accident, any claims you have may get weaker and weaker as time goes by. The insurance company is not your advocate and will not look out for your best interests. If you don’t take action to protect your rights, nothing will get done. That’s why hiring (or at least talking) with a personal injury attorney can be valuable. 


Quite frankly, since there is no pressure to hire us, taking advantage of our free consultation right after an accident is a no-brainer! Even if you decide not to hire us, at least you will gain a better understanding of your rights and the steps that should be done following an accident. 


Here are just some of the examples of how waiting to call an attorney can hurt your case:


Nothing Is Being Done On Your Claim:

There is nothing more frustrating than thinking that the wheels are turning on your insurance claim and then finding out later that very little has happened in weeks! The progression of your car wreck claim depends on your actions in pushing it along. If you don’t provide the insurance company with the right information in just the right way, it is easy for them to delay your claim.


Unlike in the TV commercials, the insurance company adjusters will not magically appear and take care of everything. It’s up to you to push your claim along. And if you didn’t provide the right documentation or check the right box, the insurance company won’t necessarily tell you. With thousands of claims, the insurance company sees you as another number and will use any excuse to delay your claim.


You Are Creating A “Lapse In Treatment” For Your Injuries:

A lot of people think that if they are hurt in an accident, they have to wait for instructions from the auto insurance company before they seek medical treatment. This is not true. Instead, if you are hurt, you should seek treatment with doctors you choose.


Waiting to go to the doctor after an accident can create a “lapse in treatment.” The insurance company will exploit a lapse in treatment to argue that you must not have been really injured if you didn’t have to go to the doctor. 


A lot of our clients also wait to go to the doctor because they think the pain will eventually go away. When it doesn’t, weeks have passed and it may now look like they are going to the doctor just because they have an insurance claim. That’s not true, but the insurance company will use it to their advantage.


Medical Bills Are Not Being Paid Correctly:

It is a common misconception that after a car wreck, the at-fault insurance company should pay your medical bills as you get them. This is not true. Instead, you are responsible for your own medical bills and will seek reimbursement from the at-fault insurance company later, when your claim is resolved. In the meantime, if you have health insurance, you should use it, but also beware of any reimbursement rights your health insurer may have out of future settlement proceeds. 


It is a big mistake to not use your health insurance for medical bills after an accident. This can lead to medical providers placing you in collections or you paying a lot more out of your own pocket than necessary.  


Evidence Is Being Lost:

After an accident, we may contact witnesses to get statements, search for video footage, and preserve evidence such as tire marks, debris, and vehicle damage. As time passes, so does our opportunity to collect important evidence for your case. 

Not Quite Ready To Hire An Attorney, But Interested In A Hassle-Free Consultation So You Can Better Understand Your Options?

If you have been injured and interested in a FREE consultation contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today. Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.

Grady Flattmann
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Local Covington, Louisiana attorney focusing 100% on personal injury matters.